Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tasty Tuesday 6/17/14

Since it's getting hot, I decided to try these gummy bear spritesicles. 

Super easy and only a few things needed:

1. Sprite
2. Gummy bears
3. Popsicle holder/maker

I started by making four groups of gummy bears to put in each of the popsicle makers, then I poured the Sprite in..

Then freeze..

Then eat! 

My kids only ate about half of the popsicle, because they didn't like the gummy bears hard. I thought they were pretty good! 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Saturday confessions..6-15-14

First, I know it's Sunday, so with that being said..HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!

So my Saturday but Sunday confession is that I cheated..yes I gave into temptation! I cheated on my diet with two donuts and a bunch of candy, and well some other things I probably shouldn't ate. I just couldn't help myself I have a sweet tooth! So today I started back on my diet! Last I checked I was 7lbs down so I have to keep going to reach my goal! Wish me luck!..

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Throwback Thursday 6-12-14

Ok guys, who remembers this...

I begged my mom to get me one and when she finally did I was so happy. Lol. I think everybody had one of these things, I would play with it constantly and ended up with a couple of them, then they started dieing and I would have to start all over. Haha. 

Monday, June 9, 2014

Engagement, Party, & Last day of school!

I am SO excited! I got engaged! I never thought I would see this day honestly. I have always wanted to get married, but then changed my mind and just thought I would probably die alone as the crazy cat lady or something. Lol. I am really just at a loss for words and I think I am still in shock. I can not wait to start planning all the details and look forward to the day I can marry my love! 

Joe let me pick out my own ring and couldn't be more happier :)

Now on to the party! My son turned 7 (yes seven, I can't believe it either!) years old on May 26th, which Memorial Day happened to fall on this year. So we had his party on June 1st, because everybody is usually busy Memorial Day weekend. Anyway we went with a carnival theme and to my surprise the party came together so well and everything turned out great! Minus all the decorations I forgot to bring..

We also rented a waterslide bounce house. The kids had a blast! We played "carnival games" like bobbing for apples, ring toss, throw the ball in the cup, and a sack race, not sure if they have those at the carnival but it was still fun and funny! 

For food we had again "carnival food" hotdogs, nachos, cotton candy, popcorn, candy (of course), and other goodies. 

I also made these cupcakes that looked like little popcorn containers, I just covered the paper part of the cupcake with popcorn tape, since I couldn't find the red and white stripped paper/tape, then I covered the top of the cupcakes with frosting, put marshmallows on top and sprayed it with gold, yes gold, since the store didn't have yellow ( just my luck) food coloring spray. They turned out really cute! (Not sure if you can see them in the pic)

My melted snow cone with a fork lol

I got a lot of compliments on the party, I am so glad it turned out good everybody had fun, even if I forgot to decorate. Lol. 

Zariah dancing to "Fancy"

Well the kids last day of school was June 4th, it's bittersweet, I feel my kids are growing soo fast these days! It seems it was just the beginning of the school year not to long ago. Well now I have a 2nd grader and with a little struggle this year I have a 5th grader! 

With their friends :)

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Here I am!..

       Wow here I am! I hate to skip such a long time on here, life has just gotten the best of me, with it's good and it's bads. To start off we (me and the kids) moved in with my boyfriend in March, as we were getting settled in, we discovered we were pregnant! Only to have that happiness come crashing down, due to the baby had stopped growing :(, which my body never miss carried so I had to take medicine to have my body do it. We are still trying to over come this bump in the road. In the mean time of all that had a death in the family..
    Now here it is the end of May, jeez where has the time gone! I mean really, seems like it was just a few days ago we were bringing in the new year. The month of May was lightweight hectic because finals were coming up and my sons birthday just passed (May 26th). He is now 7. Somebody please tell him to stop growing! 
     The kids will be ending their school year next Wednesday. This year has totally flown by, I can't believe I'll have a 2nd grader, 5th grader, and one another year closer to pre-school. I wish I could just pause life and enjoy these moments of my kids growing. I guess that is what pictures are for! Lol 

She says "look mom I'm pretty!"

Being silly

Us being silly 

Ready for school pictures

The results lol

My baby getting the student of the month award!

FINALLY getting hair..and curls at that! 

Easter 2014

From our six flags trip

Lost his tooth :)

Me and my loves!

Mother's Day 2014

This has to be the cutest pic!

Okay guys that's probably enough for now! I'll be back and before months lol